Daybreak, Utah News

Free Grant Money up to $10,000

The federal government gives away free money. Everybody has seen that on TV. Most people just dont know where to go or how to get it and what the qualifications are.

The Qualifications:

1. Must be a first time homebuyer. (Meaning you cant have owned any homes within the past 3 years.)

2. Must be within a certain income bracket depending on how many people are in your household. (Sorry, dogs and pets dont count.)

How many are available? Why dont more people know about it?

Every year our relationship with the bank and government has been granted only 5 grants per year. My clients are always gobbling them up. Since there arent very many, not very many people know about it. Right now, I am filling out 3

1,385 Views, 0 Comments is a site where we are used to having many other agents on our site using our site. Thats great..we love the traffic and being able to help here is what happened this week.

Over a week ago, we had a buyer that when we asked the golden question, "Do you have an agent you are working with?" They answered the golden answer. "No."

So my buyers agent started helping them, showing them homes and getting them ready to buy. The buyer shows up at our office yesterday morning with a Referral agreement for their brother for 35% fee. (He is a local agent and as a matter of fact, they are renting and living in one of his homes that he has for sale.)

They said, "Well, we want to use you but we need you to do this."


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Don't be tempted to do it! It will cost you money!

How fun it is to go shopping for a home. You drive around, you look online, and you even go to open houses. Well, you finally see a few homes and you think you have your favorite picked out. Should I write an offer? Is it the right one? Maybe I should bring by my family or friends to take a look at it. Maybe I should see if my furniture fits in the house. I cant really remember how the kitchen looks, lets go back and see if everything looks right. OR Its so exciting I just want to drive by it. Honey, lets go drive by the house and take a look at the neigbhorhood and the home.

What actually happens when you do those things? Heres the Truth..and a true story.

One of my sellers had a potential buyer

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Daily I receive phone calls and numerous online inquiries regarding buying a home in Utah. As I help people every now and than I will bump into a big surprise. Someone is looking for homes, has all sorts of questions, and wants me to do all the work in finding them a home. Now that isnt the surprise. The surprise is that when I ask if they have a Realtor they are using they say yes. Why would they be calling me when they have a Realtor? So I ask, and here are the answers that I get,

a. My agent does this part time.

b. I have a family member that is an agent.

c. My agent is new.

d. My agent is on vacation.

e. I cant reach my agent.

f. My agent isnt sending me anything I like.

g. My friends dad or brothers uncle is an agent.


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Are you Proactive or Reactive with your seller?


Your seller calls you first. Your seller calls you for fliers, calls you for updates on showings, and calls you if you are going to do a price drop. They also call you to see what is going on. You tell them Im sorry ive just been busy, the market is crazy and Ill get back to you right away.

(What do they end up thinking? That they have to babysit you!)

The Loan officer that is reactive:

You call the loan officer and ask them if they have appraiser...the loan officer is hard to get a hold of, you are constantly calling them and asking them if its in underwriting if docs are available, etc.

(What do you end up thinking? That you have to babysit the loan officer.)


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I recently had someone ask me....."Where are all the Hud homes," It seems like there arent any good deals.

If you bought a home years ago before the boom...would you consider that price a good deal?

There are homes like these. They just arent marked Hud home anymore. The past few years FHA loans werent popular...therefore we dont have HUD homes.

Utah is also lowest for foreclosures. They are harder to find. But there are great deals out there. I just bought one for 150k. I practice what I preach. When its time to buy...I buy. Are you buying?

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FIRST WAY TO RESPOND TO THANKS: So its a regular work day and the next salesperson came into my office wanting to sell something. So he comes in and he tells me where he works which happens to be all the way across town. Im that is a long way to come see me. He said..oh nooo its not a big deal, I live out this way and I was just passing by.

Hmmmmmmmm. Well, lets contrast that with a different situation.

ALTERNATIVE WAY TO RESPOND TO THANKS: I was 300 miles away from home and my work on a little business trip. I was planning on coming back to Salt Lake Tuesday evening. A client called me and wanted to meet that night at 6pm. I wasnt going to be back till 9pm. So I said to her...okay, Im in St George but I will leave a little early to

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Forbes rated SLC, Utah as number one place for house bargains.

Why? Utah's economy keeps adding jobs and is increasing in population.

Right now, Utah has the lowest amount of homes sold in a decade due to the credit crisis and the overbuilt demand. However, those prices have come down and due to Utah's growth the housing demand has no where to go but increase.

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Daybreak Neighbors Rave every year about the Valentines Dinner Dance in the neighborhood.   My wife and I invited friends and family to come enjoy their Valentines Date at Daybreak this year. Our local Home Owners Association put on a dinner date for adults. I have to say that is one thing I look forward doing with my wife every year. My wife has so much fun getting her hair done, putting on a dress and going out for dinner and dancing. The best thing about it is that we are going dancing with all our neighbors. I don't know a neighborhood in the world that has or does something like this. I had to take a few pictures of and post them.     


This neighborhood is about activities and life. I figure you can either live out your

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The Question of the Year:

I hear it over and over and over. How is the market? The question that should be asked is….”How can you help me take advantage of the current market?”

Taking Advantage:

Look back at when the stock market crashed. Did you know Amazon stock was selling for about $5 a share. Today when the market improved….Amazon sells for appx $90. So when would be the best time to buy the stock. When the market was good or when the market was “bad.” Yes, it would have been when the market was bad and the good time to sell was when the market was good. If you take this approach you can learn how to take advantage of when to buy.


South Jordan has had 9 homes sell in the past 3 months. Currently there are 12 homes on the

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