Home Safety

Found 8 blog entries about Home Safety.

While you might not be too concerned about flooding risks if you live in Utah, well away from the ocean or any coast, this would be a misplaced sense of security. Flooding is the single most common natural disaster in the US, regularly affecting homes in all 50 states, even those that are not near any major bodies of water – and it's something potential homebuyers should be taking into account.

At Daybreak Living, we're happy to offer a variety of realtor services for those looking to buy a home, including assistance with important property details and basics, a category potential flood risks belongs in. What are some of the qualities you should look for here as you do your due diligence on flooding and related areas while searching for a home? Here

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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on how to prepare a house pet like a cat or a dog for an upcoming remodel. Many homeowners remodel some part of their home before selling it to increase their value, and ensuring pets are safe and comfortable is one of several important themes to keep in mind.

At Daybreak Living, we’re happy to help with every element of Daybreak real estate, including selling a home through one of our fantastic realtors. We’ve assisted many clients with tips and expertise regarding a pre-sale remodel, and we’re here to do the same for you if needed. Here are a few additional themes to consider when it comes to pet safety during a remodel or renovation.

pet safety home remodels sale

Breaks and Outside Time

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For those considering selling their Daybreak home anytime in the near or distant future, a common consideration will be a remodel of some sort ahead of the sale. Many remodeling projects add significant ROI and home value, though there’s one minor consideration to keep in mind for some homeowners here: Their pets.

At Daybreak Living, our real estate agents have assisted clients with numerous areas of selling a Daybreak home, with a variety of expertise areas to help you get the best value possible. We’ll work with you on a home evaluation and a marketing plan, plus connect you with relevant professionals who can assist you further. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over many tips we can offer clients who are considering a home remodel ahead of a

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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the issues that may be raised by a home inspector as part of a property sale, plus when it is or isn’t prudent for a buyer to bring such issues back to the seller as part of the sale agreement. While buyers obviously cannot ignore major repair needs or damage that’s been found by a home inspector, there’s a general etiquette line on the kinds of issues buyers should and shouldn’t raise.

At Daybreak Living, we’re happy to detail any of these customs or basics as you look to buy a home in Daybreak. The last thing we want is for any of our clients to have a sale derailed based on handling home inspection results improperly, and we won’t let this happen to you. In today’s part two, here are a

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At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to assist our clients with buying one of our numerous homes for sale from start to finish. We assist clients all the way from conceptualization and mortgage applications to seller’s accepting an offer and closing needs, ensuring you and your family are set up in the home of their dreams.

One element of this process that we regularly advise clients on: The home inspection, which is carried out by a third party after an offer on a home has been accepted by the seller. The goal of the home inspection is to identify any previously unseen issues that need to be addressed, allowing the buyer and seller to negotiate and potentially alter the sale price based on any such needs. And while you’re within your rights to raise any

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Smoke detectors are one of the most overlooked safety features in homes today. Yet proper use and care of smoke detectors can dramatically reduce your and your family's risk of being injured or dying in a home fire. Here's what you may not know about these lifesaving devices:

You may need more smoke detectors than you have. Experts recommend that you have a smoke detector on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas. Bedrooms with doors that remain closed all the time need their own detectors. Smoke detectors should be installed away from windows, doors and air ducts.

Your children may not know what to do if they hear a smoke alarm. Teach children what the smoke alarm sounds like and what to do when they hear it. Sounds simple, but many

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A new elementary school in Daybreak's Creekside Village is anticipated to opeCreeksiden in the fall of 2017. Construction begins in the Spring of next year. The school will be located at approximately 10200 S and Kestrel Rise Rd. The Jordan School District is also slated to build a middle school on the same plat of land in coming years. The development of these schools are exciting news for current and future Daybreak residents. Building schools is a step in the right direction for the creation of more walkable neighborhoods within the community.

With South Jordan being ranked as one of the nation's fastest growing cities according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the promise of new schools is not only a convenience but also a necessary response to the growing

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Every year over 40,000 fires are caused by home electrical wiring. These fires result in more than 350 deaths and over 1400 injuries each year. One of the major causes of these fires is arcing faults. In recent years builders have been required to install Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) breakers in newly constructed properties. But if your home is more than a few years old it may be vulnerable to arcing faults. Remodeling or updating your home to include these devices can reduce the risk of expensive or deadly electrical fires.

Arcing faults occur in damaged or deteriorated wires and cords. Damage occurs from many normal circumstances as well as mistreatment of wires. Natural aging and exposure to heat vents and sunlight can speed up

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