Military Grant

Found 2 blog entries about Military Grant.

I want to make sure all our wonderful Veterans are aware of these opportunities associated with their VA loans. Since 1944, over 20 million Veterans and Service Members have purchased a home through the VA Home Loan program. Over the past 5 years VA home loans have had the lowest foreclosure rate than any other type of home loan.

The VA's Home Loan Program Benefit is not a one-time benefit. It can be reused. Veterans may reuse their VA benefit to purchase another residence, or to refinance to a lower rate. Refinancing a VA loan is referred to as an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL). No appraisal or credit underwriting is required.

One average, Veterans saved more that $200 a month after an IRRRL. You can read more about the program

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It has finally happened. We have passed the dealine for the $8,000/$6,500 tax credit. However, there is still time for "qualified service members" to take advantage of the program. The government has extended the tax credit to April 30, 2011 for any "member of the uniformed services of the U.S. military, a member of the Foreign Services of the U.S., or an employee of the intelligence community."

This extension is to honor and respect the sacrifice and services these individuals have provided for our country. It is also in consideration of the possibility that these individuals were stationed oversees during the tax credit and have had no opportunity to take advantage of the program.

Because of the nature of their service there has been an additional

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