October 2020

Found 2 blog entries for October 2020.

COVID-19, to simply state, has forced us to make drastic changes in our normal lives. In addition to social distancing and wearing masks, many people are now working from home indefinitely and families have chosen to home-school their children. Dining rooms have been converted into home offices, bedrooms are now classrooms, garages resemble home gyms, and yards are make-shift gyms. Finding dual purpose for rooms, that were once our sanctuaries or private spaces, tested our creativity and imagination.  In doing all of that, homeowners did get creative and across the US, we saw more home improvement projects both inside and out.  We also saw home "wish lists" change and more buyers wanting bigger yards and different floorplans.  A recent survey from

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Here in northern Utah, we are big fans of outdoor activities. Even city-dwellers find time to get out in nature. These days, outdoor recreation is more important than ever, since many of our indoor options have become more limited. Daybreak Living has always been fun and exciting, and the opportunities it offers are even more valuable today.

1. Recreation on Oquirrh Lake

This private lake, available only to residents of Daybreak, provides endless opportunity for outdoor fun. You can fish and boat on the 67-acre Oquirrh Lake, or just stroll along the 2-mile trail - paved for easy navigating - that encircles the lake.

2. Amazing Views

No matter which way your single-family home, townhome, twin home or condo or faces, there's something

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