is a site where we are used to having many other agents on our site using our site. Thats great..we love the traffic and being able to help here is what happened this week.
Over a week ago, we had a buyer that when we asked the golden question, "Do you have an agent you are working with?" They answered the golden answer. "No."
So my buyers agent started helping them, showing them homes and getting them ready to buy. The buyer shows up at our office yesterday morning with a Referral agreement for their brother for 35% fee. (He is a local agent and as a matter of fact, they are renting and living in one of his homes that he has for sale.)
They said, "Well, we want to use you but we need you to do this."
What would you do? Well, this is what we did....lets see what you think.
We signed it. We told them the following: "We actually never pay this high of a referral fee to anyone, and we actually never pay referral fees unless the agent called us up and wanted us to help their client. We understand that this is important to you since you feel bad about not using your brother especially when he showed you homes months ago. Im going to do this, just for you. I appreciate getting to know you and love working with you and would love working with people you know in the future. Would you be willing to let me know when you come across someone looking to buy or sell a home and send them our way?"
I figure hey.....we got someone to use us instead of their own family. Capitalize on the experience, get a testimonial, and use the experience when next time someone says...I have a cousin in the business. Besides, if the brother called us in the beginning instead of when we were doing the offer...we would have paid a referral fee. I believe the law of abundance wins.
What are your thoughts?