Sellers Market

Found 16 blog entries about Sellers Market.

Same Builder... Same House... Same Area... Same Time on Market.... VERY DIFFERENT RESULTS


THEIRS: (LISTED WITH A DIFFERENT COMPANY: good experienced agent and brokerage)

House 2On the market for almost 2 years!

Ended with a Lease Option for thousands less than ours. 

Fully finished basement with wet bar

Larger yard/ lot

More upgrades in Master Bath




Offers within a few days!House 1

Sold for $345k

Only a partially finished basement

Smaller lot than comparable home above



Utah is a non-disclosure state on sales price. To gain sold data on listings that aren't ours call 801-966-4000.

As you can see in the apple to apple comparison that you see above, the real estate

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FHA loan limits have increased! The FHA loan limits went from $304,500 to $312,800 in Salt Lake County. What dose this mean to buyers and sellers? If you buy in Salt Lake County with an FHA loan purchase price (typically putting down 3.5%) this makes your â€‹purchase power increase from last year approximately $8,000.

Something for Sellers to keep in mind: if you list your home for $325,000-$440,000 you are only making your home available to buyers that are able to put 5% down (this price range is above the 3.5% down FHA limit). However;  if you list at $325,000 you then add a plethora of buyers to your purchasing pool by including 5% down buyers AND 3.5% down buyers. This makes your home an option for many more buyers and your ability to sell that

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What not to ask when selling your home: "What is my home worth?" or "What will my home appraise for?"  This is not the right way to understand the value of your home. An appraisal is an estimate of value or to put it more simply; one person's opinion of the value of your home. As we all know that opinion is not necessarily fact, it's important to know that there is no such thing as an absolute number that your home is worth

Here's what happened to one seller of mine. The buyer's appraisal of their home came in $70,000 below list price. Yikes! After hiring 3 different appraisers on the same house all 3 came back with very different "opinions" of value. After 2 weeks of convincing the banks, the buyers, and the REALTORS, I was able to sell the home for

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I want to let you in on a secret. In the real estate market, we are seeing something that happened in 2005 that had a big impact on the housing market.

I recently found out about several companies outside of Utah that are buying a lot of homes in Utah. There is one company buying as many as 60 homes a month right now. Another company is planning on buying 30 a month. This is just 2 of the companies coming to Utah. These companies may have a huge impact on the Utah market.

What does that mean for the housing market in Utah? All of these homes being purchased are under $300,000. That means that suddenly 10% of home purchases will be investors. If you've looked at the market you've seen that supply is already limited. This new surge of investor

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About 2 years ago, our team was brainstorming what our billboard should say. After testing a few of our ideas online our fanbase picked this one as their favorite. So we had it made and posted all across the Salt Lake valley. Yes, there were a few people who felt it was insensitive to those getting their homes foreclosed on, however the majority of people understood the real message. Many of the people who picked this billboard had even experienced the difficulties of foreclosure personally. The billboard received a lot of laughs as it depicted a fictional family: the Joneses. About the Joneses:   The Joneses are the family that everyone envies because they have all the nicest gadgets, the biggest house, and the most expensive things. However,…
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I am constantly asked, "Is it a Buyer's market? or a Seller's market?"

We are in a unique situation right now so I can honestly answer, BOTH!

Some areas are in high demand and have low inventory. That is the definition of a Seller's market. An article in the LA Times explains how low supply is causing "fierce competition" in high demand areas. This is great news for sellers. If you have a home in the right place, and list for the right price, you could have a bidding war on your property. With higher competition, sellers can get top dollar for their home. Based on recent statistics these Hot Spots are a "seller's market".
Hot Spots to Sell (sellers market)
#1 - Saratoga Springs (84045)  $350K - $400K
Your chance of selling?     Homes for Sale
#2 - Salt Lake

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