Daybreak, Utah News


Fall is definitely here...Leaves are changing colors, there's a chill in the air, summer's harvest is coming to an end, sweaters are coming out, and pumpkin flavored treats are plentiful! Daybreak always delivers a full calendar of Fall events so be sure to mark your calendars with the events below:

Every Thursday for the month of October - Food Trucks at North Shore - 5:00pm -8:00pm 

Pumpkin Regatta - October 19th - North Shore of Oquirrh Lake 10am - 1:00pm

Trick or Treat - October 26th - Soda Row - 3:00pm - 6:00pm

Teen Pumpkin Carving Night - October 29th - The HUB - 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Pumpkin Walk - October 30th - The HUB - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

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There are several important qualities that buyers will be considering for a given home or area as they search for a new home, and one that’s high on the list for many is the presence of good schools in the area. For buyers with school-aged children or those preparing to enter this age range, this is often a top priority.

At Daybreak Living, we’re happy to help you peruse our wide selection of homes for sale to find those that are nearest to the top local schools for your children. Let’s look at some data on the kinds of buyers who prioritize schools as a top factor in their home purchase, the elements that go into defining a good school, and how these qualities impact nearby home values.

schools factor home searches

Buyers Who Prioritize Schools

It’s important to note

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It's hard to believe that Daybreak has been a community for 15 years and it's still receiving national attention, earning the #10 place for best places to live!  The real estate advisory firm RCLCO (Robert Charles Lesser & Co) conducted surveys nationwide of master planned communities and since its inception, Daybreak has ranked in the top 20.  Here's an interesting fact to show you how much Daybreak has grown: From January to June of 2019, Daybreak sold 362 new homes, an increase of 6% compared to the first half of 2018.   

Soda Row also received merit honors as "The Best Mixed Use Development" and The Hub was awarded "Best Sales/Information Center" among entries in the US and Canada from the National Association of Home Builders.  Given all

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Who wouldn't love a fireplace near their tub to create the ultimate relaxing experience?  What about this fireplace in the master bathroom without a tub?   Would you enjoy this from the shower or while getting ready in the morning or does it lose its value without a bathtub?  This bathroom was in one of the Daybreak Parade of you dig it or ditch it?


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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic factors connected to homeowners associations, or HOAs. These groups, which often hold sway over a given neighborhood or housing community, may be responsible for numerous important areas for you to consider if you’re thinking about one of the real estate listings in this area.

At Daybreak Living, our numerous homes for sale include several communities or areas where HOAs are present and active. In today’s part two, we’ll go over a few other important areas you should be considering if you’re thinking of moving into a property that’s part of an HOA.

real estate homeowners associations

HOA Management

One important area to understand in advance is how the HOA is managed, as not all are run in the same ways.

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As part of goBE Realty's 20th year in business, we decided to give back to the community.  We chose three charities, Project Sleep Tight, Mascot Miracles Foundation, and Empower Playgrounds, Inc.  to receive financial contributions upon our 100th closing. After each closing, our sellers chose one of the three charities that they would like to see us donate to, and the winners are: 

1st. Place - Project Sleep Tight - $5000.00


2nd and 3rd Place (tie) - Mascot Miracles & Empower Playgrounds, Inc ($2500 each)


Stay tuned for for more giveaways!  


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If you’re considering moving into certain subdivisions, planned communities or property villages, one area you may find yourself considering is the presence of a homeowners association. Abbreviated HOA, these associations may cover several community areas, from rules and regulations to neighborhood watch services and potentially several others.

At Daybreak Living, our real estate listings include numerous villages and communities that may contain homeowners associations. The presence of an HOA will be received very differently by varying home buyers – some absolutely want to be part of such an organization and take many benefits from it, while others view it as a hassle and would prefer to live in a community without one. In this two-part blog, we’ll

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Rockwell Ice Cream has finally opened their brick and mortar shop on SoDa Row (11274 S. Kestrel Rise Rd, Ste E)!  Stop in on June 24th from 6-9pm to receive your free single scoop of ice cream.  Rockwell's signature flavors are Honeycomb, Brown Butter Pecan, Snickerdoodle, Biscoff, Muddy Buddy, and Rockwell Road.  Be sure to let us know which one is your fav!

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If you’re in the process of browsing homes for sale to eventually purchase the house of your dreams, especially if this is your first home, the process can be very exciting. This is a major financial accomplishment for many people in their lives, and you naturally want to tell everyone you know the exciting news.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to assist buyers of all types in locating and purchasing our wonderful homes for sale, with real estate listings that fit a wide range of buyers and needs. And while we fully understand your desire to shout your upcoming home purchase to the rooftops, there are a few important areas of discretion that a good real estate agent like ours will assist you with to ensure no pat of your negotiations goes sideways.

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 The Upper Villages is taking the concept of "amenities" to a whole new level! Better walkability, greater social connections, and being one with nature, i.e, a fantastic Watercourse! Ponds, cascades, and a long network of channels for paddle boarding and kayaking will be surrounded by trails and grassy areas for picnics and social gatherings. Homes near the water will have back decks overlooking the Watercourse and private docks for easy water access.  In comparison to Oquirrh Lake, the Watercourse will have a more intimate and quieter atmosphere and end at the Cove and Cove House.  While the final details have yet to be approved, the Cove is slated to feature ponds, beaches, boat dock, playground, and a large pavilion. The Cove House will provide a

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