Have you heard about the Moutain View Corridor? Have you seen the construction crews clearing the way for a new Freeway? This sweeping road project is HUGE and may change the value of your property. Keep reading to see what it is, where it is, and when it will be done. This corridor will change nearby home values. Contact me so we can discuss your specific situation to find out where you should sell and where to buy!

The Mountain View Corridor is a new system of roads, mass-transit, and recreational trails currently under construction. The project will be built in three phases. This approach will balance immediate transportation needs with the current budget while providing a long-term solution for future needs. Phase 1 (currently underway) is the construction of the outer lanes with intersections and signals. Building the outside lanes first preserves the land in the middle where future lanes can be added. The last two phases will add the center lanes which will have no signals. They will be raised above current roads to create a freeway. The outside lanes from phase 1 will become the on ramps and interchanges for the final freeway.
The walking and bike trail sections will also be built during the first phase of construction. Additionally there is a separate mass-transit plan. Bus Rapid Transit vehicles will operate in their own lanes in the center of 5600 West. Regular traffic will use general-purpose lanes adjacent to the transit. This transit system could evolve into a rail system in the future.

Once finished, the Mountain View Corridor will be a free-flowing freeway simimlar to I-15 (with grade-separated interchanges) that serves 13 cities across the Wasatch Front. It will also add an East/West connection between Redwood Road and I-15 in Utah County.
The Mountain View Corridor: Where is it?
The Final product of the Mountain View Corridor project is a full freeway spanning 35 miles from I-80 to Lehi. In the north it will connect with I-80 at 5800 West in Salt Lake City. In the south it will connect with I-15 at 2100 North in Lehi.
The mass-transit alternative of the project will be on 5600 West in Salt Lake County. It will connect with currently planned UTA light-rail projects including the Airport Extension (at the International Center), the 3500 South Line in West Valley City, and the Mid-Jordan Line in South Jordan (in Daybreak).
The Mountain View Corridor: How long will it take?
The initial phase of the Salt Lake County portion of the project has already begun. They have started a 15-mile segment of the corridor between 5400 South and 16000 South (at Redwood Road).
Originally this phase was only going to be a 10-mile segment. However, because of the economy and low construction costs, the scope of this phase has been expanded. This portion of the Salt Lake County section will be finished in Fall 2013.
In Utah County construction has already begun on a three-mile section of 2100 North from Redwood Road to I-15. This portion of the Mountain View Corridor will finish in September 2011.
About the Author:
Utah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident
My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.
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