The Question of the Year:
I hear it over and over and over. How is the market? The question that should be asked is...."How can you help me take advantage of the current market?"
Taking Advantage:
Look back at when the stock market crashed. Did you know Amazon stock was selling for about $5 a share. Today when the market improved....Amazon sells for appx $90. So when would be the best time to buy the stock. When the market was good or when the market was "bad." Yes, it would have been when the market was bad and the good time to sell was when the market was good. If you take this approach you can learn how to take advantage of when to buy.
South Jordan has had 9 homes sell in the past 3 months. Currently there are 12 homes on the market. That is a 25% chance of selling in any given month. If you look at the price range of 500-750k, there is a 6% chance of selling. When the odds are lower, that is the prime time to buy. So how can someone make the most money? By moving up! They will get more for their home when they sell and they will get a bigger discount in buying.
So how is the market in South Jordan? Full of huge opportunity to make money!
About the Author:
Utah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident
My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.