goBE Giving

Posted by goBE Realty Daybreak on Monday, March 18th, 2019 at 10:28am.

The third charity that goBE is supporting in honor of our 20 year Anniversary, is Empower Playgrounds Inc (EPI).  EPI's mission is to enhance educational opportunities for children in deprived villages of Ghana by providing renewable energy through electricity-generating playground equipment, LED lanterns, and hands-on science kits.  Founded in 2007, EPI has installed more than 40 merry-go-rounds at schools throughout Ghana, West Africa.  The merry-go-rounds produce renewable energy that charges lanterns, which provides light for children to study at home and in the classroom. How will goBe contribut to EPI?  At each of goBE's closings, our clients will be asked to chose amongst three charities that they would like to see us donate to. Upon our 100th closing, goBE will tally those results and donate $5000 to the #1 charity, $3000 to the #2 charity, and $2000 to the #3 charity.  For more information or to donate to EPI, please click on the follow link: http://www.empowerplaygrounds.org/take-action


About the Author:

Utah Dave - Neighborhood ExpertUtah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident

My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.

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