Great news! If you’re moving for your work, you just might qualify for a tax deduction on your moving expenses. This is part of the tax Form 3903: Moving Expenses.
While this is potentially great news, not everyone is qualified for these tax deductions. If you find yourself moving for your job, here’s what you need to know about qualifying.
You have to be moving for work.
In order to get this tax break, you have to be moving for your job. This doesn’t mean that you’re moving to another town to look for a new job. You have to already have the job and you have to prove that your new job required you to relocate.
You have to be moving far.
If your work is relocating you to the next town over, it isn’t as likely that you will qualify for this deduction. This tax break is generally for those who have to move out of state and plan to spend a lot of money in moving expenses.
You plan to stick with this job, at least for a while.
You must be able to prove that you have worked full-time for a large portion of the tax year in order to qualify. This means that you can’t quit your new job shortly after moving and still expect the necessary moving expenses to be deducted.
You don't qualify if an unmarried partner has to move for their job.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to qualify for this deduction if you are moving because a boyfriend or girlfriend has to move for their job. You must be the person moving for their job, or be married to the person who is moving in order to qualify for this tax break.
If you feel that you meet these qualifications, make sure that you keep track of all the necessary expenses you have while moving. Remember that only necessary expenses – such as paying for a moving company – will be covered. And if you have any questions, please contact your local tax expert for more information.