Daybreak Summer Kickoff

Posted by goBE Realty Daybreak on Friday, June 6th, 2014 at 2:03pm.

Summer is finally here and Daybreak is kicking it off with a splash.

Now that children are out of school there can be a lot of pressure to help them fill their time. Daybreak makes Summer easy so you can relax and enjoy it with them. In addition to the permanent amenities here are some of the great things going on in Daybreak this summer:

Ladybug Release: Each year Daybreak has a community Ladybug release party. Ladybugs help keep other pesky insects in check by eating aphids, other insects, and larvae that can be harmful to the community gardens. You can also take some of these cute and helpful critters to your own garden. Come to the Founders Gardens Friday (June 6th) at 6pm to purchase a container of ladybugs for $2/piece. They sell quickly so come on time to join the fun.

Father of the Year Essay Contest: Daybreak is looking for the “Daybreak Father of the Year”. Not only will the winner be given the title but he will also be awarded an awesome prize worth $250!  Daybreak residents are invited to write a 200-word (or less) essay explaining why their dad should be recognized as the “Daybreak Father of the Year”! Drop off your essay at the Daybreak Community Center before Wednesday June 11th (by 5pm). Then watch Daybreak’s FACEBOOK page on Friday June 13th, for the announcement of the winner.

Concerts in the Park start this month. You can catch Michael Barth in the first of Soda Row’s music nights. At SoDa Row you can catch live music from local bands every Friday and Saturday night all summer long. Here are the dates for the rest of June’s Performances:

June 6 – Michael Barth    

June  7  - Red Vinyl

June 13 – Sara Call

June 14 – The Next Fazz

June 20 – Advent Horizon

June 21 – Dr. Decibel & The Sound Prescription

June 27 – Rockin’ Rob and the Hounddogs

June 28 – Gadget & The Professors


Daybreak Movies in the Park: Also starting this month are the summer Movies in the Park. All movies are free and will be shown at Calendar Square (unless noted), across from the DCC. Movies start at dusk, approximately 9:15 pm. If there is bad weather, don’t worry, the movie will be moved to the DCC gym. Here’s the schedule for the movies this summer:

Saturday June 21st: Turbo (PG) – *Northshore Pier

Friday, July 18th: Planes (PG)

Friday, August 29th: The Sandlot (PG)

Friday, September 12th: Frozen (PG)

Friday, September 26th: The Hunger Games (PG-13)


Daybreak 10 year Anniversary Party - June 21st at Lake Village (North Shore Pier)


Welcome Summer Pool Party - This summer kick-off pool part will be at the Eastlake Pool on June 23rd & 24th 6-8pm each night. There will be hot dogs, chips, and drinks! To join the fun you must get a wristband for each member of your family prior to the event. (pool is limited to 300 per night). You can pick up your wristband at the DCC starting June 16th at noon. Wrist bands will go fast, so make sure to get yours early if you want to come.

7th Annual Fizz Fest - Due to popular demand this years Fizz Fest will be for two nights August 15 (5pm – 9pm) and 16 (4pm – 9pm) at SoDa Row. There will be music, food,  activities for the kids, and live music. There is no admission fee, but some vendors will be charging for services. It’s sure to be a great time.

About the Author:

Utah Dave - Neighborhood ExpertUtah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident

My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.

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