While you might not be too concerned about flooding risks if you live in Utah, well away from the ocean or any coast, this would be a misplaced sense of security. Flooding is the single most common natural disaster in the US, regularly affecting homes in all 50 states, even those that are not near any major bodies of water – and it's something potential homebuyers should be taking into account.
At Daybreak Living, we're happy to offer a variety of realtor services for those looking to buy a home, including assistance with important property details and basics, a category potential flood risks belongs in. What are some of the qualities you should look for here as you do your due diligence on flooding and related areas while searching for a home? Here are some tips.

Flood Map Issues
For some, a major resource here will be FEMA's collection of flood maps, which is utilized for everything from insurance coverage to various local regulations and more. Depending on where your potential home is located, you may be able to access flood maps that show any risks at play in your area based on groundwater levels, previous flooding and more.
However, these maps are relatively limited. Creating them is an expensive and labor-intensive process, meaning large chunks of the country simply aren't covered.
New Mapping Tools
Luckily, there are other resources on the rise that are filling in some of these gaps, though slowly. Certain realtors have been able to infuse flood risk features along with other mapping filters, such as schools, crime rates and more. Once again, though, these models are not perfect and may not know the precise location and elevation of buildings on a property, though they can at least show you whether further investigation will be needed before buying a home.
Doing Due Diligence
If you have any concerns about flooding in a home you're considering, whether due to previous signs or some of the mapping tools you've used, it's your responsibility to manage this. Speak to our realtors about what your next step should be, from locating local flood experts to finding other resources that will help you determine if flooding is a legitimate risk.
Flood Insurance
Finally, even if you're in a low-risk flood area, this is one of those natural disasters where you truly never know. Even low-risk areas deal with floods on a regular basis due to unexpected weather or other concerns. For this reason, we often recommend purchasing flood insurance regardless of your level of risk – and in many areas, this insurance will actually be required by a mortgage lender if the flood risk is above moderate.
For more on assessing flood risks while considering purchasing a property, or to learn about any of our homes for sale or realtor services, speak to the staff at Daybreak Living today.