Hard to believe, but summer is winding down and before we realize, winter will be upon us. Better Homes & Garden (BH&G) recently published 5 easy steps that will give your perennials the best chance of surviving winter.
1. Take note of which plants thrived in their location and which plants did not. Once temperatures are consistently on the cooler side, you can safely relocate plants to a more suitable location.
2. Weed...while perennials start to slow their growth when the weather cools down, many types of weeds actually start to flourish. Weed your flower beds by first watering the area first and then pulling the weed, making sure you get the root.
3. Water the ground well before it freezes and be sure you water the directly on the roots of the plants. This conserves water and ensures the plant is getting watered directly.
4. Clean up plants that have been suffered from insects or diseases. BH&G recommends cutting back damaged plants to ground level. Healthy plants are best left untouched.
5. Mulch - while not all plants need or should have mulch, many do. Newly planted and sensitive perennials will definitely benefit from mulch. BH&G recommends waiting until the top 1"-2" of soil freezes before putting down an insulating layer of mulch. Loose organic mulch, such as leaves, bark chips, straw, or pine needles will help your perennials survive our harsh winters.
Hopefully these tips will keep your investments blooming year after year!