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Daybreak Academy (Preschool-2nd grade)

- Address 11221 Copper Rock Drive, South Jordan, UT, 84009
- Phone # (801) 878-1788
- Website daybreakacademy.com
Daybreak Academy is a private preschool & elementary school that offers a "whole child" education based on the arts, music and academics that serves children from all over the Salt Lake Valley as well as Utah County. All of our classrooms Pre-K on up, have a degreed teacher with a bachelor or master degree in early childhood education or related field. Daybreak Academy recognizes that QUALITY early childhood education can significantly improve a child's future outcomes both academically and socially. Studies have found that children who receive quality early childhood education excel academically later on and become more stable, higher income earners as adults-this is true across the socioeconomic spectrum.
Daybreak Academy offers a range of programs & services from preschool (2 yrs) through 2nd grade. Our School Day starts at 9AM and ends at 3PM for our preschool program and starts at 8:30AM to 3PM for our Elementary Ed program. We also offer affordable "Extended Care" available daily from 7AM-9AM and from 3PM-6PM to accommodate the schedules of working parents. Kindergarten - 2nd is M-F. Preschool and toddler programs offer a variety of schedules including M-F, M/W/F, and T/Th. You may read more details about individual programs below. Please give us a call at (801) 878-1788 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a tour. We look forward to meeting you.
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