Digital Learning Now! conducts an annual study to measure states on their level of digital learning. For the 2012 postcard Utah was the only state in the entire nation that received an A.
The report card is divided into 10 elements they have identified as important for providing high-quality digital education. You can read more about these 10 elements here: Elements of High Quality Digital Learning. Click the map to access the interactive report card map.

This is Utah's Report card (click the link to see full report card):
1. STUDENT ELIGIBILITY: All Students are digital learners (Utah Grade - 63% D)
- Utah received a D because it does not requiring students to take a high-quality college prep online course to graduate from High School. Currently only three states do.
2. STUDENT ACCESS: All students have access to high-quality digital content and online courses (Utah Grade - 100% A)
3. PERSONALIZED LEARNING: All students can customize their education using digital content through an approved provider. (Utah Grade - 100% A)
4. ADVANCEMENT: Students progress based on demonstrated competency. (Utah Grade - 100% A)
5. QUALITY CONTENT: Digital content, instructional materials, and online and blended learning courses are high quality. (Utah Grade - 100% A)
6. QUALITY INSTRUCTION: Digital instruction is high quality. (Utah Grade - 79% C+)
- Utah's grade was reduced because student-performance data is not being used to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers.
7. QUALITY CHOICES: All students have access to multiple high-quality providers. (Utah Grade - 100% A) 8. ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Student learning is the metric for evaluating the quality of content and instruction. (Utah Grade - 100% A)
9. FUNDING: Funding creates incentives for performance, options, and innovation. (Utah Grade - 100% A) 10. DELIVERY: Infrastructure supports digital learning. (Utah Grade - 81% B-)
- Utah lost points because we, along with every other state in the nation, have not achieved all of the Data Quality Campaign's 10 State Actions to Ensure an Effective Data Use.
- They also found that most, but not all, of Utah students have access to Internet access devices.
Utah's final score is 92% with a grade of A-.
You can view the entire 2012 Digital Learning Report Card here.