Pet Safety During Home Remodels Ahead of a Sale, Part 2

Posted by goBE Realty Daybreak on Tuesday, September 8th, 2020 at 7:07am.

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on how to prepare a house pet like a cat or a dog for an upcoming remodel. Many homeowners remodel some part of their home before selling it to increase their value, and ensuring pets are safe and comfortable is one of several important themes to keep in mind.

At Daybreak Living, we’re happy to help with every element of Daybreak real estate, including selling a home through one of our fantastic realtors. We’ve assisted many clients with tips and expertise regarding a pre-sale remodel, and we’re here to do the same for you if needed. Here are a few additional themes to consider when it comes to pet safety during a remodel or renovation.

pet safety home remodels sale

Breaks and Outside Time

Especially for longer and more detailed remodels where your pet will be dealing with uncomfortable sounds and surroundings for hours or even days in a row, it’s important to attend to them and give the breaks. The best way of doing so: Taking them outside.

There are several methods available here depending on what your pet enjoys and can handle safety-wise. Dogs who can be on a leash or even off a leash can go to the park or on a nice long walk to relax. Cats who can’t go outside can still be taken on a car ride (if they enjoy these – some cats do not).

Crate Care

For some pets you know will struggle to contain themselves amid the commotion of a remodel, and especially those who have been trained for this sort of thing, crating them is a great alternative. Contrary to popular belief, crating a dog or cat is not cruel – it is a completely reasonable way to leave them a safe space where they are not a threat to themselves or others.

Pet Sitter

If you have a schedule that does not allow you to be home during the bulk of the remodel, you might look into local pet sitters as options. There are some who will take your dog on a nice long walk, or others who will even come to your home to care for the pet.

Pet Daycare

Finally, for those who simply want to avoid this hassle altogether – both for themselves and for their pet – daycare options area available as well. These can be through your veterinarian in some cases, or through private entities that have several different programs available. These kinds of programs generally allow you to dictate a drop-off and pickup time based on the length of the remodel.

For more on how to keep your pet safe and comfortable during a home remodel ahead of a sale, or to learn about any of our homes for sale or other realtor services, speak to the staff at Daybreak Living today.

About the Author:

Utah Dave - Neighborhood ExpertUtah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident

My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.

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