
Found 71 blog entries about Daybreak.

A new elementary school in Daybreak's Creekside Village is anticipated to opeCreeksiden in the fall of 2017. Construction begins in the Spring of next year. The school will be located at approximately 10200 S and Kestrel Rise Rd. The Jordan School District is also slated to build a middle school on the same plat of land in coming years. The development of these schools are exciting news for current and future Daybreak residents. Building schools is a step in the right direction for the creation of more walkable neighborhoods within the community.

With South Jordan being ranked as one of the nation's fastest growing cities according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the promise of new schools is not only a convenience but also a necessary response to the growing

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happy family making the home sign on the hill

Daybreak homesform a unique community of neighborhoods in South Jordan, Utah. They offer a wide range of choices yet form a cohesive, integrated community that combines small-town charm with big-city vitality. If those are qualities you're seeking in your next neighborhood, Daybreak homes might be a great fit for you.

The seven Daybreak homes neighborhoods all feature wide-open spaces, a vibrant business center at SoDa Row, and speedy TRAX connections to downtown.

Founders Village

The first Daybreak community, Founders Village, opened in 2004. Located on the south side of the community, Founders Village is close to some of Daybreak’s best amenities, such as the community center, neighborhood parks and the "glass house."

These Daybreak

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Home For Sale Real Estate Sign in Front of Beautiful New House

When it comes to buying a home in Utah, Daybreak Living represents the dawn of a new day for you and your family. Daybreak homes are stunning not only because of the quality and value they’ll bring to families for years to come, but because of the excellent real estate agents standing behind them.

We believe Daybreak homes are a great buy because years of experience informs our process of helping local buyers find the finest properties available and negotiate deals that result in significant savings. Daybreak homes represent not only the best properties available in our market, but also a rich treasure trove of information—about local neighborhoods, schools and community resources—just waiting to be unlocked by a professional real estate agent.

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Views! Modern! Energy Efficient!


South Jordan House of the Month!


Kettle WaySolar powered energy efficient! Average $58 a month


Gorgeous Valley Views! Sits across the street from Park!


Modern Design 




2 Story Vaults

              Sit on your patio and enjoy the Mountain views and fresh air.  Its easy to relax in this home, after all, the solar power energy efficiency of paying $58 a month average allows you to spend your money elsewhere. This home is conveniently located near lots of parks/basketball courts/tennis courts/ and the neighborhood's new pool.     Call 801-966-4000 and find out about our SELL YOUR HOME GUARANTEED when you BUY THIS…
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What not to ask when selling your home: "What is my home worth?" or "What will my home appraise for?"  This is not the right way to understand the value of your home. An appraisal is an estimate of value or to put it more simply; one person's opinion of the value of your home. As we all know that opinion is not necessarily fact, it's important to know that there is no such thing as an absolute number that your home is worth

Here's what happened to one seller of mine. The buyer's appraisal of their home came in $70,000 below list price. Yikes! After hiring 3 different appraisers on the same house all 3 came back with very different "opinions" of value. After 2 weeks of convincing the banks, the buyers, and the REALTORS, I was able to sell the home for

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It is expected that Utah's population will double within the next 35 years increasing to nearly 5.4 million residents. Most Utahn's will be living in the concentrated area of the Wasatch Front. More people means more houses and more cars with a limited area of land. When it comes to housing most Utahns feel like high density housing is the solution.

Community Aerial Photo

Tomorrow's population issues are already being addressed today and the market is reacting. We are seeing smaller lots for single family homes and more apartment complexes developing with low vacancies. There has also been a demand for more dense neighborhoods designed for walk-ability and public transit. Residents have stated that these features are essential in keeping future housing and transportation

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What does Lake Front property look like in Utah?

Daybreak is building homes right on the lake.

These homes provides beautiful views of the mountains and Daybreak's Oquirrh lake all from the comfort of your porch.

South Jordan was recently rated #18 in the nation to live and Daybreak was rated #1. Daybreak is ranked #1 by the Home Builders Association as the best planned community.

You cant go wrong moving to Daybreak!  

Find out more information about Lake Village and search for Lake Village Homes for Sale.

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Summer is finally here and Daybreak is kicking it off with a splash.

Now that children are out of school there can be a lot of pressure to help them fill their time. Daybreak makes Summer easy so you can relax and enjoy it with them. In addition to the permanent amenities here are some of the great things going on in Daybreak this summer:

Ladybug Release: Each year Daybreak has a community Ladybug release party. Ladybugs help keep other pesky insects in check by eating aphids, other insects, and larvae that can be harmful to the community gardens. You can also take some of these cute and helpful critters to your own garden. Come to the Founders Gardens Friday (June 6th) at 6pm to purchase a container of ladybugs for $2/piece. They sell quickly so

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We had quite the storm blow through Daybreak this week. In fact some areas had wind gusts over 60 MPH! This could pose a problem for some Daybreak residents with loose items on their porch. Everybody loves their Daybreak porch, but when the wind comes what can you do to keep your couch pillows from blowing away? A friend of mine showed my a neat little trick that they use to keep their pillow on their porch where they belong.

One of the first things people mention to me about Daybreak is the beautiful porches. The porch is an extension of the home out into the beautiful community of Daybreak. It is a place to customize your living space. It is also a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Daybreak’s views and landscape. But for that you need a

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Daybreak has added a lot of exciting amenities to South Jordan city. Maybe you’ve seen the children frolicking in the Splash Pad at Soda Row or witnessed groups of children laughing at the Splash Pool on Kestrel Rise. Now its time for all of South Jordan to get their splash on at The Oquirrh Shadows Splash Park!

This Splash Pad will be located at4150 W South Jordan Parkway, just North of Daybreak. The inclusion of the Splash Pad in Oquirrh Shadows Park has always been part of the plan, but funds have recently become available for it’s construction. The designs are almost done and construction is expected to begin soon! The Splash Pad should be complete and open to the Public in June of this year.

You can see from this photo below that there are

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