
Found 19 blog entries about Buying.

In part one of this multi-part blog series, we went over some initial steps to consider as you begin the house-hunting and moving process from one state to another. Moving can be a detailed process even in-state, and out-of-state moves are often a bit more complex and present additional challenges.

At Daybreak Living, our experienced real estate agents are here to help a variety of potential buyers locate one of our fantastic homes for sale, including those moving from out-of-state. There are several pieces to the puzzle within this process, from beginning your home search process to narrowing down the list and, eventually, finding and closing on the ideal location. In today’s part two, we’ll look at some of the middle portions of this process and how

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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics of the Fair Housing Act and how it impacts those searching for a new home. This act, which dictates that no discriminatory practices be carried out by anyone involved in the process of a home search or related areas, has been a foundational element of the homebuying world since it was passed in 1968.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to offer a wide range of homes for sale to a diverse range of buyers, with absolutely no discriminatory practices of any kind involved in our programs. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over some important information on how the Fair Housing Act may impact your home search, plus what to do if you believe your rights have been violated under

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Just like in any other walk of life, all those who are applying for any kind of housing situation, from a home purchase and mortgage to a rental or other forms of housing assistance, deserve to be treated equally. There should be no discriminatory practices carried out by anyone involved in such processes, and these common sense principles are also protected by law – namely the Fair Housing Act.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to offer our wide variety of homes for sale to a diverse range of buyers with a fully inclusive, non-discriminatory program. For those wondering about its details or what it protects, this two-part blog series will cover all the basics of the Fair Housing Act, plus how it may impact you during your home search.

fair housing act home buying


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For virtually anyone preparing to buy a new home, a primary consideration will be a mortgage loan to help finance the purchase. Buyers will have to consider not only the price of the home they desire and their general budget, but also areas like taxes, insurance, closing fees and others when determining how much to borrow from a lender.

At Daybreak Living, our real estate agents are here to not only help you locate and buy homes for sale in our numerous communities, but also to offer expertise and advice on numerous areas, including mortgages and borrowing. Today’s blog will focus on some general rules of thumb when it comes to how much you should be borrowing and how this compares to your overall financial picture, plus how these factors connect to

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There are numerous considerations to keep in mind when you’re searching for a home, both interior and exterior. For those who enjoy gardening, landscaping and other outdoor tasks, one particular area to look into when browsing properties: Is the lawn fake or real? At Daybreak Living, our real estate agents will help you find homes for sale based on any variety of specific needs, including lawn or outdoor elements. When we use the term “fake” lawn, we’re generally referring to synthetic grass that’s made to look and feel extremely similar to natural grass. It’s often used for play areas, putting greens, dog runs or several other specific purposes. Let’s go over some of the general pros and cons found in synthetic grass, plus whether a home featuring it

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There are several important qualities that buyers will be considering for a given home or area as they search for a new home, and one that’s high on the list for many is the presence of good schools in the area. For buyers with school-aged children or those preparing to enter this age range, this is often a top priority.

At Daybreak Living, we’re happy to help you peruse our wide selection of homes for sale to find those that are nearest to the top local schools for your children. Let’s look at some data on the kinds of buyers who prioritize schools as a top factor in their home purchase, the elements that go into defining a good school, and how these qualities impact nearby home values.

schools factor home searches

Buyers Who Prioritize Schools

It’s important to note

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When touring and browsing potential new homes, areas like size, layout, appliances and others tend to be the top priority. These major areas define much of the home’s value and comfort, so naturally they’re among the first that are considered.

At Daybreak Living, we’re here to tell you about an underrated factor if you’re looking to buy a home: Natural light. The sun’s rays are both a primary heat source and a provider of major light and visibility throughout a given home, impacting areas ranging from basic aesthetics to health. Let’s go over why natural light matters, how you can assess the natural light in a prospective home, and your options for increasing natural light presence.

natural light new homes

Multiple Benefits of Natural Light

Natural light presence in

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While not necessarily applicable in all sales, many home purchase situations include at least some of the major appliances that were already present in the house. If included as part of the sale, these items can play a fairly big role in the value of the home and the price you pay.

At Daybreak Living, we’ll help you understand everything you need to know about the appliances in any of our numerous homes for sale. One of the most important areas to consider if you’re buying a home with previous appliances is determining how much life these appliances have left – an element that could play a huge role in defining their value and whether you’re getting a good or bad deal. Here are some basics on the sorts of appliances you’re looking for here, how to

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goBE Realty has won Daybreak's team award for most new home sales in 2016

Pictured above Left to Right: Durven Wilson, Tammy Casper, Dave Aughey, "Utah Dave" Robison, Kent Sorensen, Shalee John, Dave Marrott, Jeanette Parker

goBE Realty also claimed this award for the previous year in 2015. goBE Realty agents specialize in Daybreak. All of our agents are full time Realtors. We sell 400% more homes than the average real estate agent. With our team approach we can show a home within 15 minutes and someone is always available to answer your calls. 

Not only that but "Utah Dave" Robison won the award for sales agent with the most new home sales in Daybreak for 2016.

"Utah Dave" also claimed this award in 2015 for most new home sales in

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