Best Advice for Moving With Kids From Your Realtor in Daybreak, Utah

Posted by goBE Realty Daybreak on Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 at 6:10am.

Moving into one of the beautiful homes for sale in Daybreak, Utah is an exciting new beginning, but the moving process itself can sometimes be challenging. Add kids to the mix, and you may feel like you have your hands full. But moving with kids doesn’t have to be stressful — a little bit of planning can go a long way. At Daybreak Living, we see lots of families who complete successful moves with young children, so we know a smooth transition is possible for you. Here are our best tips for moving into one of our Daybreak, Utah homes with kids.

Advice for Moving With Kids From Your Realtor

Plan Ahead

One of the best things you can do for your own sanity and your children’s safety during moving day is locking down childcare beforehand. You’ll want to do this a few weeks in advance so you’re not scrambling to find a sitter at the last minute. You have enough on your plate already with the move.

The night before the big day, you’ll want to pack a moving day/first night bag for the new house. This bag should contain all the essentials to keep your kids safe, happy, and occupied during the chaos of moving. Necessities like medications, food, formula, and clothes are important, but you’ll also want to pack things like toys, pacifiers, books, and other items to keep the kids entertained while you’re busy with the move. Plus, your kids will then have some familiar items for their first night in the new house.


Getting your kids to help with packing is a great way to keep them occupied during the hectic moving process, and it’ll get the job done quicker. For younger children, it’s best to sort through their belongings beforehand. For toys that you don’t see your kid using anymore, use this as an opportunity to teach your child about giving and charity. Once you’re down to just the ‘keep’ pile, have your kids help pack it up.

Older children can sort on their own or with guidance, depending on the child. A good incentive to get older kids to not hold onto every single one of their belongings is to have them to sell things they don’t want to take anymore and allow them to keep the money. Reducing clutter before the move will make things easier.

Be Patient

This is a tough one, but in the end it will be beneficial for you and your children if you do your best to keep your cool. If you’re exuding negative energy, your kids will pick up on it and become even more difficult to deal with than before.

In the week before you move, a good way to conserve your energy and keep the vibes at home positive is to pick your battles when it comes to your kids. If you let them watch a little more TV this week or let them have an extra cookie before bed, it won’t be the end of the world.

Take it From Your Real Estate Agent in Daybreak

Moving, especially with kids, can be stressful and strenuous, but trust your realtor in Daybreak, Utah when we say it’ll be worth it. Get one step closer to finding home — buy a house in Daybreak, Utah today.

About the Author:

Utah Dave - Neighborhood ExpertUtah Dave - Daybreak Neighboorhood Expert and Local Resident

My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.

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