All Blog Entries by goBE Realty Daybreak

My friends nicknamed me Utah Dave in high school because they said it didn't matter where we went in Utah, I would know how to get there and who we needed to talk to. The name sticks today as UtahDave has formed into a professional real estate network of Neighborhood Experts all across the state. I live in Daybreak with my wife and 4 amazing children. I enjoy dancing (which is how I met my wife Dawn) as well as traveling, coaching, and learning.

Found 493 blog entries published by goBE Realty Daybreak.

Heights Park Village is getting a new park in 2021! Located near Kestrel Rise Rd and Split Rock Dr, Basin Park will be another unique open space for Daybreak Residents and their guests to enjoy. It will be one of the last parks to complete this village. This park will feature more walking trails, native vegetation,  a couple of large grassy areas for play, and an artistic flare with a deconstructed tipi, picnic area, and lighting for ambiance at night. Can't wait to see it finished!


Basin Park Coming Soon!

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For those considering selling their Daybreak home anytime in the near or distant future, a common consideration will be a remodel of some sort ahead of the sale. Many remodeling projects add significant ROI and home value, though there’s one minor consideration to keep in mind for some homeowners here: Their pets.

At Daybreak Living, our real estate agents have assisted clients with numerous areas of selling a Daybreak home, with a variety of expertise areas to help you get the best value possible. We’ll work with you on a home evaluation and a marketing plan, plus connect you with relevant professionals who can assist you further. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over many tips we can offer clients who are considering a home remodel ahead of a

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In parts one and two of this multi-part blog series, we’ve gone over several of the important areas to keep in mind when moving from one state to another. From beginning your home search through making the physical move and getting settled in your new location, there are a wide variety of factors to consider and themes to touch on during this process.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to offer a wide range of homes for sale, plus high-quality real estate agents to help a variety of clients find their ideal home – including those doing so from out of state. In today’s final entry in our series, we’ll go over a few specific tips we offer clients once they’ve closed on their home in a new location and are looking to get all their ducks in a row for the

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Daybreak has been deemed #5 in the U.S. for Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities of Mid-Year 2020! Year to date new home sales in Daybreak are up 40%! All this despite living through a pandemic. New home sales did have a small hit in March and April as stay-at-home orders we implemented. However as restrictions lifted there was a sudden surge of demand in home sales. 

Communities, like Daybreak, that are able to offer a variety of housing options and different price points continues to be key for growth in these master planned communities. Low inventory coupled with high demand keep builders and development busy expanding these areas. 


For more details

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In part one of this multi-part blog series, we went over some initial steps to consider as you begin the house-hunting and moving process from one state to another. Moving can be a detailed process even in-state, and out-of-state moves are often a bit more complex and present additional challenges.

At Daybreak Living, our experienced real estate agents are here to help a variety of potential buyers locate one of our fantastic homes for sale, including those moving from out-of-state. There are several pieces to the puzzle within this process, from beginning your home search process to narrowing down the list and, eventually, finding and closing on the ideal location. In today’s part two, we’ll look at some of the middle portions of this process and how

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 Construction has finally begun on the long anticipated 160 acre Bingham Creek Regional Park, located at approximately 4800 West and 10200 South.  Phase I conists of mass grading the site, installing the infrastructure, to include: culinary and secondary water, internal roads, parking lots, maintenance facility and restrooms, sports fields, playgrounds, disc golf course, and trails. Future phases will bring about a splash pad, tennis and pickle ball courts, additional sports fields, bike skills course, volleyball and basketball courts, open lawn space, as well as additional trails. Upon completion, Bingham Creek Regional Park will be the largest park in Salt Lake County.  For a map of the park, click on this link Bingham Creek Regional Park

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At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to provide a comprehensive real estate experience for all our clients. Not only will we assist you with locating the ideal community and home for sale to meet your every need and desire, our dedicated realtors will also work with you on moving through the varying steps of the homebuying process, ensuring you sidestep any pitfalls and check the appropriate boxes.

One particular group we’ve assisted with numerous such processes is those looking to move into one of our Daybreak villages from out-of-state. Moving from another state can present a few additional challenges on top of the normal needs that come with a major home move, but our real estate agents are here to work with you throughout this process. This two-part

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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics of the Fair Housing Act and how it impacts those searching for a new home. This act, which dictates that no discriminatory practices be carried out by anyone involved in the process of a home search or related areas, has been a foundational element of the homebuying world since it was passed in 1968.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to offer a wide range of homes for sale to a diverse range of buyers, with absolutely no discriminatory practices of any kind involved in our programs. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over some important information on how the Fair Housing Act may impact your home search, plus what to do if you believe your rights have been violated under

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Just like in any other walk of life, all those who are applying for any kind of housing situation, from a home purchase and mortgage to a rental or other forms of housing assistance, deserve to be treated equally. There should be no discriminatory practices carried out by anyone involved in such processes, and these common sense principles are also protected by law – namely the Fair Housing Act.

At Daybreak Living, we’re proud to offer our wide variety of homes for sale to a diverse range of buyers with a fully inclusive, non-discriminatory program. For those wondering about its details or what it protects, this two-part blog series will cover all the basics of the Fair Housing Act, plus how it may impact you during your home search.

fair housing act home buying


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Home prices across the Salt Lake City metro area are predicted to hit record levels in 2020 and the number of home buyers are also expected to reach historic levels.  Another record was set in Utah County where there are more homes for sale than Salt Lake County.  The Utah Association of Realtors (UAR) reported that Utah County had a record high of 54,274 home sales in 2019 - the most since  UAR began tracking in 2003. According to our very own, Dave Robison, the market is not going to flatten out anytime soon due to a shortage of homes and a high demand for them; however, what that means, is that what most people will be able to afford is high density housing like townhouses and condos.  If interest rates remain low, prospective buyers will likely

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